Comparison of NCLB and ESSA

Wendy Hart, Alyson Williams and Jane Robbins have prepared a comparison of NCLB and ESSA. Thank-you ladies! No Child Left Behind (NCLB):2002 vs Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA):2015 The ESSA has been explained as a significant improvement over NCLB in the areas of federal overreach into education, specifically regarding standards, testing, and accountability measures. In…

Will ESSA “Fix” NCLB?

It has been said that parents, teachers and school districts are crying out for a fix to NCLB. Many promises were made with NCLB, and yet now it is being called the “failed” No Child Left Behind. It is said there were good intentions. I believe there are some good intentions in ESSA. I also…

Reasons to Oppose ESEA/NCLB Renewal

It is likely that the House of Representatives will vote today on the ESEA/NCLB renewal renamed “Every Student Succeeds Act” (ESSA). There are many reasons to oppose this renewal. I want to highlight a few of them here. Over 1,000 pages of federal control does not equal local control. This bill was released to Representatives…