Reasons to Refuse the SBAC and All State Assessments: Parents’ Constitutional Right

Reasons parents are refusing the SBAC assessment: The Cooperative Agreement between SBAC and the Federal Department of Education, demands that SBAC share student level data with the federal government. (Link 1) The federal DOE changed FERPA to allow sharing of student level data with “stakeholders” without parental consent. (Link 2) A Missouri court has found…

My Response to Rapid City Journal Forum

Over the weekend, the Rapid City Journal posted an opinion piece about Common Core. I have commented on their website, but as usual, they have refused to let my response to their article appear. Here is my response to Forum: We Need to Give Common Core Math a Chance to Succeed. When did education in…

Teacher Writes Legislator after Retiring Due to Common Core

If you read nothing else about Common Core today, please take the time to read this letter to a Utah Legislator from a retired teacher.  Utahans Against Common Core has shared this letter and it is a must read. Teacher Writes Legislator after Retiring Due to Common Core Published May 8, 2013 | By Oak Norton “There is…