CC Math Standards Not Designed for Four Year University

The speaker is Jason Zimba, one of the three drafters of the Common Core math standards. The questioner is Dr. Sandra Stotsky. This exchange took place at a meeting of the Massachusetts Board of Elementary and Secondary Education on March 23, 2010. As you will hear, Dr. Zimba admits not only that the CC math…

Core Concerns Conference Guests Have Arrived

Three of the speakers for today’s Core Concerns Conference have arrived and have been given the grand tour. Dr. Sandra Stotsky, Jenni White, and Florence Thompson have a wealth of information to share about the Common Core State Standards, the data collection associated with the Standards, and the cognitive and developmental concerns associated with the…

Sandra Stotsky Discusses Common Core

I am posting this video of Dr. Sandra Stotsky talking about the issues she had with the Common Core English Language Arts Standards. I am asking you to remember, that anyone who was invited to and participated in the Common Core Standards validation panel is a proponent of National Standards. Their underlying motivations may not have…