School Accountability Based on SBAC Test Scores

Parents wanting to refuse the SBAC test for their children are running into push back from their school superintendent. Why? The School Performance Index (SPI). By South Dakota Public School Accountability Index, for elementary schools, 80% of the SPI is based on the SBAC results. For high schools, it’s 50%.            …

South Dakota Medical Exemptions from Testing: Coma or Death

According to the South Dakota Accountability Workbook, the school, not you, can make a request for medical exemption from statewide accountability exams. What are those medical exemptions? Students with very serious, chronic, and fragile medical conditions can and do participate successfully in statewide assessment. However, there are rare and unique situations in which a student is unable…

The Danger of Computer Adaptive Tests (CAT)

The SBAC testing season is upon your children. Those who are getting paid to promote this agenda tout the benefits of Computer Adaptive Testing (CAT). We are told that the test adjusts to each child. The test will adjust the next question depending on how the child answers the first question. When “selling” this concept, we…